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Get High Quality
Aerial Photos & Videos 

with a Licensed Drone Pilot.

Waarom Luchtfoto's en Video's? 

Op zoek naar een frisse en spannende manier om in contact te komen met uw publiek, uw merk een boost te geven en speciale momenten vast te leggen? Probeer drone fotografie en videografie!

Deze innovatieve aanpak is niet alleen kosteneffectief, maar kan ook de waarde van uw vastgoed verhogen en blijvende herinneringen creëren.


Dus waarom wachten? Ga de lucht in en bekijk de wereld vanuit een geheel nieuw perspectief met luchtfoto's en -video's.


Quinta da Marmela - Portugal - Torres Novas - Drone DJI Mini3Pro by AirManno V2
Real Estate - South of France - Portugal - Vertical Video - Drone DJI Mini3Pro by AirManno
Events Drone by AirManno - Aerial Photos & Videos
French Alps Mountains Drone Pilot - AirManno - Aerial Photos & Videos
Real Estate Drone by AirManno - Aerial Photos & Videos
French Alps Mountain Sky by Drone - AirManno - Aerial Photos & Videos
Sunrise Drone Surf France - Seignosse - July 2023 Drone DJI Mini3Pro by AirManno

Certified Drone 

Les feuilles tropicales


  • Expert in drone regulations and safety measures

  • Experience of more than 100 hours of drone flying in various locations

La Grave Mountain Ski Chris Retouched_edited_edited_edited_edited.png

& Flexibility

Les feuilles tropicales
  • Content is king and sky is the limit

  • Time and place flexibility taking into account environmental and weather factors

  • Tailor-made mission according to your objectives and applicable regulations

  • Competitive pricing based on your needs and budget

Waarom Kiezen voor AirManno? 


360° Service

Les feuilles tropicales
  • Preparation (briefing, content strategy, aerial regulations and weather check)

  • Production (aerial photos and videos creation) 

  • Post-Production tools and expertise (photography and video editing with licensed music library)

  • Marketing Expert (advice on best practices and campaigns set up)

What People Say

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Clémentine Van Hamme

Manager Chalet Robison

A huge thanks to AirManno for his flexibility and professionalism! 

We needed AirManno services for several reasons. 

  • Located in a park in the middle of a beautiful nature with an incredible fauna and flora. We needed to show our clients Chalet Robinson with aerial views of another side of this setting, the layout of the place and the space. The aerial views are much more explicit. 

  • We do a lot of privatization of the Chalet with the catering company “Choux de Bruxelles” and we need to show what this includes (terraces, garden, ground floor, etc.), how a wedding or company party is run, etc.

  • Finally, many of our clients do not always understand how to get to Chalet Robinson, how to take the boat and reach the island. With the videos made by AirManno, we can explain to them more easily thanks to photos, videos, rushes, from near and far in high definition. The quality of the images and videos is magnificent. 

The process is simple: a briefing beforehand with AirManno, the film/photos shooting and the modifications afterwards. He is super responsive and professional with a bespoke service. AirManno also understood our different needs.


This mission with AirManno allows us to show original and spectacular images of the Robinson Chalet from the air and brings a huge added value to our work. 



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Photos from the Portugal Sea by AirManno Aerial photos & videos

Het draait allemaal om perspectief

De opkomst van de vliegende cameratechnologie en drones hebben media inhoud naar nieuwe hoogten gebracht.
Hoogwaardige en verbazingwekkende luchtopnames om uw evenement, product of eigendom op de voorgrond te brengen, waren nog nooit zo eenvoudig.

Opnamen vanuit de lucht brengen nieuwe invalshoeken en dynamische uitzichten, die het verhaal dat u wenst te delen onder een nieuw daglicht brengt en ervoor zorgt dat mensen het op een ander manier ervaren.

Belangrijkste Sectoren

Corsica Wedding Event - Aerial Drone Photography and Videos DJI Air 2S Events, Marketing Photography, Real Estate and Aerial Inspection
Portugal Wedding House Retouched 2.jpg

Real Estate

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